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Sick Child Policy


Children in preschool are exposed to germs. We cannot completely prevent the spread of disease but this sick-child policy helps us reduce the spread of sickness and disease whenever possible for all children in AIA.


  1. We will not provide care for a sick child if the health of other children is at risk. Please keep your child home if he or she is sick. A child that is sick cannot participate in daily activities and routines and cannot be successful in group care.
  2. You must have a plan for back-up care when your child is excluded from AIA if you are not able to leave or stay at home from work to care for your sick child.
  3. Each morning we perform a quick health assessment on your child, as well as throughout the day.
  4. If a child is ill upon arrival, you will be asked to take the child home.

Children showing signs or symptoms of illness must remain at home.

  1. If your child becomes ill while in AIA, we will notify you so you can make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible.
  2. If you are not reachable we will contact one of the emergency contact persons to pick up your child. You must provide local emergency contacts and information on how to reach them in case of emergency.
  3. Your child will be made comfortable and offered a quiet place to rest until you arrive.
  4. If your child leaves another program or school during the regular school day due to illness, he or she may not attend our school that same day.
  5. We administer only nonprescription medications in AIA. You must give us written authorization to administer.
  6. You will be asked to pick up your child who has:
  • Fever with behavior changes or signs or symptoms of illness: an oral temperature over 37.8ºc or under the armpit (axillary) temperature over 38ºc
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting


**In cases of fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting, the child should not return to AIA until 24 hours have passed since the last sign of the symptom.

  • Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
  • Headache or stiff neck
  • Severe itching or rashes
  • Mouth sores
  • Significant tiredness, irritability, crying
  • Difficulty breathing, chronic coughing or wheezing
  • Any contagious condition including ringworm, bedbugs or pink eye.
  • Unusual nasal discharge
  • Constant pain in the stomach
  • Behavior that seems slow, confused, disoriented.

These symptoms may or may not be associated with a communicable illness. Without consultation from a health care professional it is impossible to determine the nature of the illness. Therefore you will need to pick up your child for further evaluation. You will be asked to bring a note from a doctor or health care professional stating the child may return to child care when the illness is no longer contagious.

11, we will notify all parents within 24 hours if a communicable disease is reported at AIA.

Emergency Medical Treatment


Parents are required to complete an emergency medical form for each child.  In case of an accident or emergency, this form will be used to notify the designated contacts.  Please be advised that those listed as alternative contacts must be available for the call during school hours.  To ensure the best possible care for your child, please provide contacts that are in the immediate area and can respond quickly to an emergency situation.


If none of the emergency contacts can be reached, the school will abide by the direction in the form or call emergency medical services as the situation dictates.  Parents will be responsible for all costs of the medical treatment.


Accident/Unusual incident reporting

In the case of an accident, a complete report will be filed and parents of all parties involved will be notified as quickly as possible.  Copies of these reports can be made available upon request.


Discipline Policy

Our staff will strive to create an atmosphere of love and trust through warm, responsive, and positive care.  We will use a variety of positive guidance methods such as reinforcing good behavior with sincere praise often.  We will model good behavior as we treat the children with kindness, patience, and respect.


Methods of discipline will not be humiliating, frightening or physically harmful to the children.  Discipline will be consistent and individualized for each child.  It shall be appropriate for the child’s level of understanding and be directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control.  It will not be associated with food or rest.  Children will not be labeled “bad or “mean” but encouraged to be kind, sharing, and helpful.


When a problem arises, the staff will talk through the problem.  They will explain to the child why he/she will not be allowed to act in a manner that would harm him/her, other people, or destroy property.  The teacher will firmly but calmly stop the action.


When a child continually disturbs the group, will not pay attention, or bothers his/her neighbor, he/she will be removed to a chair where he/she can be observed by the teacher but not allowed to participate in the activities until he/she can return to the group with good behavior.  On the playground, there is a designated area where the child will take “time out” until he can regain self-control, play safely, obey playground rules, and deal kindly with his/her friends.  The length of time out will be one minute per age of the child.


Good supervision and a concern for the well-being of the children are usually sufficient to maintain order in an early learning center.  This is not to say that some children will not have adjustment problems.  Usually time, patience, and help from parents and teachers can correct this.  There may be a rare instance when a child will not adjust to or obey the center’s guidelines and policies.  In such a case, the Head Teacherl will request that the parents place their child in another arrangement.



Placement Policies

Nursery & Kindergarten Eligibility/Entrance Criteria

For Nursery & Kindergarten, English will be the principal language of instruction but is not a requirement.  Children who are 18 months – 2 years are eligible for admittance to the pre-nursery class at the start of the school year if space permits.  Children who are 2 – 3 years are eligible for admittance to the nursery classes at the start of the school year where spaces are available. 


For entry into K1 and up English and Chinese classes, AIA requires an entrance exam and interview by either the head teacher or teacher.  These exams will determine which level the potential student will be assigned to.  However, the assigned level will also take into account the age and social development of the student.  The assigned grade level will be appropriate for the child and their mental, emotional, and academic growth.


The final decision on placement rests with the Admissions Office in consultation with the head teacher


Special Needs Child/Learning Support

A child is recognized as having special needs if he/she has a learning difficulty which requires special provision to be made of him/her. Some learning difficulties can be met within the school, but we recognize the importance of obtaining specialist expertise when required. If a large amount of one on one attention is needed, the school will require special assistance for the kid and may result in extra charge. Parents may be asked to remove their child if we are unable to provide the special services that they need. If a child’s behaviors are harmful physically or mentally to others in their environment the school will be unable to offer services to them.



Open Door Policy and Investigative Procedures

AIA has an open door policy.  Parents are invited and welcome to visit the facility if requested. They are encouraged to talk with us about any questions or concerns they may have.


If they need to visit the school when their child is not present they must first call and set up an appointment with the Head Teacher or Director.  The Head Teacher or Director will then escort the parent wherever they want or need to go.  This information is given to them when they enroll their child and at various times during the year in newsletters that are sent home


As childcare providers, we are ethically and morally obligated to report signs of abuse.  These meetings will be kept private and will not be harmful or intimidating to the children involved with such investigations.  Because we are a childcare facility, any necessary reports are required by law.


Field trips

Notifications and Consent

At least twice a year, the school staff will plan a field trip for our students.  Field trip permission slips, including the date, purpose of the trip, times of departure from and return to the school, and name, street address & telephone number will be sent home well in advance of the planned excursion.  Every student must have a written permission slip from his or her parent to participate.  Parents are invited to join the class as chaperones if they would like to participate as well.


Opt Out

If you do not consent to let your child participate or a student does not return with a written permission slip, they will remain at the school and participate with one of the other classes.  Because these events are carefully chosen with maximum learning experience and safety in mind, we encourage every student to participate. 


Outside Play

Children are encouraged to play in the school’s outdoor spaces as much as possible.  We believe that physical activity enhances their academic performance, social skills, and overall health.  If the weather is hotter than 40 deg, children will play either in their classrooms or in one of our indoor play areas.


Appearance and Attire

All students are required to wear the official uniform from Monday thru Thursday.  On Friday, students may wear what they please but keeping in mind that AIA encourages a respectful learning environment.  Students will wear their indoor shoes when they are in school with the exception of when they are in PE class.  Parents are to provide sport shoes with non-marking soles for PE class.  Girls are to have their hair tied neatly and boys are to have short, neat hair. 



School Lunch Program


Students either bring a packed lunch from home, or pre-order a set lunch from the school canteen. AIA serves a healthy and well-balanced hot lunch every day which usually consists of a protein, fruit, vegetables, rice, and a bowl of soup.  These meals have been carefully planned to teach children how to eat a variety of food and to have a healthy diet.  Please contact the school office for more information on how to order for your child.


Children with special food requirements must provide their own lunch.



AIA provides a small snack for students every day which consists of seasonal fruit and biscuits.  Your child may bring their own snacks as well.  However, AIA has a Healthy Food policy which means that students may not bring carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, candy, or very sugary food.



The celebration of a child’s birthday is encouraged and valued. We acknowledge birthdays in class homerooms, and invite you to provide your child’s classmates with a treat (e.g. cupcake, muffin, candy bar) on your child’s special day. Please be sure to communicate your plans to classroom homeroom teachers a few days in advance and let them know if you will be bringing in treats or sending them with your child. (Please don’t forget napkins where appropriate) Celebrations are usually linked to the regular snack or recess times so as not to interfere with instructional time.


Please keep in mind when sending any treats or snacks to school that many children suffer from food allergies. In particular, please try to avoid snacks that contain nuts, and check with your child’s class teacher regarding any particular concerns for the class. 



AIA acknowledges the need for children to have extra-curricular activities which enhances their academic learning.  Children who are in involved with sport, music, and arts are more likely to be in the top of their class and display more active learning behaviors.


AIA is proud to be able to host Clubs where students may elect to learn other activities not offered in the regular schedules.  These activities may include swimming, karate, soccer,



We bring quality and efficient education system for our children. Our investment in education sector is not primarily aimed at generating profit but at providing efficient and quality education to our younger generation in their most formative and important years which will form a strong foundation for their development in the future.



AIA Olympic Campus: #27 St.193 Corner of St.328 Sangkat Tuol Svay Prey 1, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh
099 76 78 78. 096 876 78 78. 097 976 78 78

AIA Tuol Kork Campus: #8 St.335 Corner of St.566 Sangkat Boeung Kok 1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
061 52 78 78. 069 52 78 78. 067 73 78 78

AIA Chamkar Doung Campus: #250 St.60D Thmey Village, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh
099 92 78 78. 087 84 78 78. 090 52 78 78

Email: [email protected]